Rochdale Borough Council

Rochdale Borough Council Website

Some or all pages on the council's website at are unavailable at the moment. We're working hard to try and resolve this as soon as possible.

Please use our emergency phone number listed on this page if you need to contact us urgently. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Contacting us in an emergency

For emergencies please ring our out-of-hours number on 0300 303 8875.

Other ways to contact us

You can continue to contactus by email using the details below.

Community Safety - to report antisocial behaviour and nuisance

Council Tax and Housing Benefits


Environmental health -pest control, drain problems, noise nuisance, food safety, dog warden and pollution

Environmental management - refuse, recycling, fly tipping and dog fouling

Family information services - childcare and family support

Highways and engineering - car parks,highway maintenance andtraffic management


Jobs and training

Land and property


MyAccount - registration and general enquiries

Online payments- pay by credit or debit card

  • Tel: 0300 456 0496, automated payments line open 24 hours a day

Planning and building

Report road problems - street lighting, damaged pavements and potholes